32 Festive Hairstyles to Stand Out in the Crowd

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Get ready to elevate your festive look with the perfect hairstyle! Our expert, Linda Miller, shares invaluable insights on how to match your hairdo with the season’s celebrations. Linda’s expertise in hair color and styling, combined with her extensive experience, makes her the go-to source for all your holiday hair needs.

Hair Type and Texture

The length, texture, and thickness of your hair are key factors in choosing a festive hairstyle. Linda recommends, “If you have fine or thin hair, adding a few clip-in extensions can provide the volume needed for a lush, full look.” She also suggests using texturizing products, like a dry shampoo or volumizing powder, to add grip and body to the hair.

Styling Tools and Techniques

When it comes to styling tools, Linda advises, “A good blowout with a round brush can create volume and smoothness for most hair types.” For those with thick or curly hair, she recommends using a flat iron to smooth and refine the hair. “A curling iron or wand can be used to create curls or waves,” she adds.

See Which Haircut & Color Flatters You Best

Note: This quiz is meant for fun, not to be taken too seriously.
Susan Baker

Susan Baker brings a unique perspective to our magazine, fueled by her extensive hands-on experience in the hair and beauty industry. Susan’s expertise is rooted in real-world experience, having worked her way up from a stylist assistant. Her keen eye for emerging trends and deep understanding of what our readers want make her an invaluable asset, ensuring our content is both engaging and relevant.