30 Trendy Mid-Length Haircut Ideas for 2024

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Are you ready to conquer the mid-length haircut game? If you’ve been contemplating a change in hair length, then you’re in the right place. Hairstyle expert Linda Miller has some valuable advice to share on this topic.

Hair Texture and Cut

According to Linda, the mid-length haircut is a versatile option that works for most hair types. However, she advises that it may not be the best choice for those with very thick or curly hair. Although layers can help with weight and volume, the density of thick hair can sometimes overwhelm a mid-length cut. On the other hand, those with fine or thin hair can benefit from the added fullness and movement that a mid-length cut provides.

Face Shape and Cut

Concerning hair texture and cut, Linda says, “Fine to medium hair with little to no wave is the best match for this look. For the ladies with thick hair, you can have a great mid-length cut with the right stylist and the right tools.”

See Which Haircut & Color Flatters You Best

Note: This quiz is meant for fun, not to be taken too seriously.
Susan Baker

Susan Baker brings a unique perspective to our magazine, fueled by her extensive hands-on experience in the hair and beauty industry. Susan’s expertise is rooted in real-world experience, having worked her way up from a stylist assistant. Her keen eye for emerging trends and deep understanding of what our readers want make her an invaluable asset, ensuring our content is both engaging and relevant.